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Protected and Unprotected Endpoints

Currently, there is no support for router level middleware in FastAPI. However, Starlette currently shifts toward supporting this feature and may support it soon. Once Starlette includes this and FastAPI adopts it, there will be a more elegant solution to this. But the current solution is to mount multiple apps instead of routers:

from typing import Tuple, List
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.requests import Request

from fastapi_auth_middleware import AuthMiddleware, FastAPIUser

# The method you have to provide
def verify_authorization_header(auth_header: str) -> Tuple[List[str], FastAPIUser]:
    user = FastAPIUser(first_name="Code", last_name="Specialist", user_id=1)  # Usually you would decode the JWT here and verify its signature to extract the 'sub'
    scopes = ["admin"]  # You could for instance use the scopes provided in the JWT or request them by looking up the scopes with the 'sub' somewhere
    return scopes, user

users_app = FastAPI()
users_app.add_middleware(AuthMiddleware, verify_authorization_header=verify_authorization_header)  # Add the middleware with your verification method to the whole application

@users_app.get('/')  # Sample endpoint (secured)
def home(request: Request):
    return request.user  # Returns the user object that is injected into the request. The FastAPIUser in this case

public_app = FastAPI()

@public_app.get('/home')  # Sample endpoint (not secured)
def home(request: Request):
    return 'Hello World'

app = FastAPI()
app.mount(path="/user", app=users_app)  # Expects an authorization header, due to the auth middleware
app.mount(path="/", app=public_app)  # Does not use any middleware

if __name__ == '__main__':'multiple:app', host="", port=8080)  # Starts the uvicorn ASGI

This will result in an protected endpoint at http:localhost:8080/user/ and an unprotected one at http:localhost:8080/home/.